Nová kniha

Rokytnice v Orlických horách na starých pohlednicích

Rokytnice v Orlických horách na starých pohlednicích


Nová kniha

Keltské hlavy a postavy

Nová kniha Keltské hlavy a postavy od Jiřího Waldhausera


Nová kniha

Keltské hlavy a postavy

Nová kniha Keltika - kniha o keltech z pohledu 21. století



KELTOI is the Citizens´ Association registered by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic on 15th Feb. 1994 under the reg. No. II/S-OS/1-23507/94-R, Comp. Reg. No. 48682535.

The mission of KELTOI is the development of cultural heritage of our ancestors, focusing on Celtic culture and the common Celtic past of Europe. Special emphasis is laid to working with children and young generation, to organizing events for children, young generation and adults.

KELTOI Association has been realizing its project for 20 years now. Since 1994, we have carried out dozens of projects that have been attended by hundreds of thousands of visitors. However, professionally performed and quality programmes cannot be realized without involving the partners and sponsors.